SaaS technologies for smarter geoscience workflows
Our Ava SaaS technologies, Ava Clastics and Ava Structure, are used by geoscientists to:
- develop new, improved insights into the quality and reliability of the input/derived data sets they are using for interpretation and geomodelling;
- generate reservoir models that more closely represent geological settings while respecting inherent uncertainties;
- perform analyses and publish results in a shareable knowledge base that underpins multi-disciplinary decision-making and promotes re-use of expertise and best practices.
Developed over the past eight years by PDS's petrotechnical software teams, working in close collaboration with leading operators and academic institutions, Ava SaaS technologies are now available as fully managed SaaS services, with optional connectors to Petrel.
Our new range of affordable subscription models are being taken up by a wide range of operators across the world for use in conventional, unconventional and green energy projects.
Ava Clastics
Geoscientists need easy access to high-quality analogue data sources of known provenance. They need to be sure that the analogue datasets they select are optimal for their target workflows, and they need to be able to use selected data seamlessly in preferred workflows and in applications like Petrel® . As members of project teams, they also need to be able to record and share their results, decisions and rationale within a knowledge base that supports integrated reservoir modelling, multi-disciplinary collaboration and re-use.
Since its inception in 2016, Ava Clastics® has become established as the Industry's most comprehensive software solution for analogue data management, helping users select the most appropriate sets of analogue information from the world's leading analogue libraries developed by the University of Leeds (UoL), and guiding users through facies interpretation, modelling and uncertainty workflows.
Today, Ava Clastics is used in a wide range of subsurface tasks, from NtG estimation in exploration volumetrics, through to estimation of element proportions and spatial transitions for conditioning and quality control of 3D facies models.
And now, with the release of Ava Insights, operators are able to:
- federate proprietary company analogue datastores so that their rich analogue history can be used by Ava Clastics alongside the peer-reviewed analogue records in the UoL databases;
- configure Ava Clastics workflows with proprietary company data and standards;
- integrate Ava Clastics with proprietary company software tools and knowledge management (AI) systems.
Ava Clastics is now established in many operators around the world. If you'd like to learn more then please get in touch.

Ava Structure
The extent and potential connectivity of sub-seismic fault tips is a critical uncertainty. Creating and analysing 3D structural framework models that fail to account for sub-seismic fault tips will lead to poor estimation of the likely number of and potential fluid flow between fault-related compartments. In addition, the value of subsequent workflows such as 3D juxtaposition and fault seal analysis performed on 3D structural frameworks will be undermined.
Ava Structure tackles this challenge head on by performing a rigorous seismic structural QC on the input interpretation data, followed by the creation of optimised interpretations that represent different sub-seismic fault extensions. The output interpretations can be used directly to create more geologically plausible 3D structural frameworks.
Ava Structure utilises Structural Concepts to provide an audit trail for the following:
- Assess existing seismic fault and horizon interpretations in an unbiased manner, using a standard suite of peer-reviewed structural geology rules for a given structural setting;
- Identify and communicate potential issues with interpretations, and through our plug-in for Petrel®, enable geoscientists to focus their interpretation efforts in key areas;
- Investigate potential sub-seismic fault tip extension and its impact on compartmentalization for key reservoir horizons;
- Create multiple scenarios based on different sub-seismic fault extensions and then automatically generate optimised inputs for alternative, plausible 3D structural models.
And now, with Ava Insights capabilities, Ava Structure can:
- create proprietary company structural analogue datastores that can then be used by Ava Structure workflows;
- extend Ava Structure workflows with proprietary company rules for different structural settings;
- integrate Ava Structure with proprietary company software tools and knowledge management (AI) systems.

Ava Insights
Since launching Ava Clastics and Ava Structure in 2017 as fully-managed SaaS solutions for seismic interpretation and geomodelling, we have worked with leading customers to adapt and integrate their proprietary software technologies, and develop functionality that unleashes the potential of their proprietary data and corporate expertise. The software services and knowledge management systems that have emerged from this work have now been released under the brand name, Ava Insights.
Ava Insights enables Ava applications to blend world-class analogue data and peer-reviewed best practices with client proprietary data to create knowledge bases that are enriched over time as they are used by geoscientists and subject matter experts. Ava Insights' AI-powered software services allow Ava applications to mine these knowledge bases and deliver on-demand insights to structural and facies interpretation and modelling workflows.
Ava Insights is bundled with an Ava Enterprise Corporate Subscription, and available to all users of Ava Clastics and Ava Structure.
Release of the Ava Clastics DC library
Find our about the recent release of ready-to-use Depositional Concepts for Ava Clastics.
Visit the Ava Newsdesk
Learn more about Ava Clastics, Ava Structure and Ava Insights.