Depositional Concept Library for Ava Clastics
Sometimes our subscribers need to browse the full range of database information, but sometime they have a specific case study or similar in mind. Following a number of client requests we have decided to release a curated library of Depositional Concepts (DCs) within which the PDS team has carefully filtered the data to visualise only the key charts.

DC library - Case studies
Find DCs by author or location
In this release, more than 500 DCs, based on the richest case studies in the FAKTS, SMAKS and DMAKS databases, are available for all Ava Clastics subscribers. These DCs are read-only but can be cloned by users for application in their workflows.
DC library - Geological priors
Find DCs using geological criteria
It is often helpful to group information from case studies based on their geological priors. Combining simple data categories such as geological age with more subjective criteria such as confinement, load dominance or stacking pattern, can reveal trends that aren't always evident in individual case studies. The new release will contain hundreds of DCs based on combinations of geological priors, minimising the time to find and chart the relevant information.
DC library - Element types
Find DCs based on element types
General insights about specific types of sedimentary elements at particular scales is also helps to deepen the understanding of the depositional setting for a given prospect, field or storage site. In this DC release we will provide examples isolating the most relevant information by element type (i.e. mouth bar, levee, etc).