for Drilling and Completions Data Management
...tried and tested WITSMLTM technologies re-imagined and re-wired for ETP 1.2TM
Our Commercial Products
available under term subscriptions with bundled support and maintenance
used by operators and service companies to extract, transform, synchronise, store and secure WITSML data streams
WITSMLstudio StorePlus: Our next generation Enterprise WITSML Server
WITSMLstudio Toolkit: for WITSML data operations comprising StoreSync, StoreAdapter, StoreLink and now StreamGuard.
We will shortly be announcing WITSMLstream, our new family of cloud hosted services that will deliver radically new capabilities made viable by the game-changing take-up of ETP 1.2, WITSML 2.1 and other emerging OSDU standards.
WITSML/ETP Consulting Services
Leverage our ENERGYML expertise and experience to accelerate your implementation.
WITSMLstudio Toolkit
copy, transfer or stream WITSML data
translate and transform between industry-standard formats and between WITSML versions

access WITSML Data Streams with Excel®
centralise security for all
WITSML Data Streams and add Modern Authentication to legacy
WITSML (1.3/1.4)
WITSMLstream Platform Preview
Our vision is that the WITSMLstream Platform™ will be the Energy Industry's first business-to-business collaboration platform for stakeholders contracted in a "field data services" supply chain, e.g. drillers, niche well-site service providers, operators, legislators, and IT service companies.
WITSMLstream adopts trading platform concepts that successfully revolutionised Supply Chain Management in Energy in the '90's, and adapts them for this niche but critical marketplace where the license to operate successfully as a connected party increasingly mandates higher levels of efficiency and transparency.
Implemented as a secure, micro-services PaaS/SaaS solution, WITSMLstream will enable contracting parties to collaborate to configure, secure, commission, and manage real time field data services, and to connect value-adding services.
We plan to build WITSMLstream connectivity into our next generation WITSMLstudio products, and release a range of WITSMLstream connectors to connect customer and 3rd party technologies (such as DrQ ) via WITSMLstream's Plug-in Services Interface. Already available is our WITSMLstream Connector for AVEVA PI.
Working in concert with WITSMLstudio and 3rd party products, WITSMLstream will leverage new capabilities of ETP 1.2 and WITSML 2.1 to realise complex, multi-party WITSML data stream operations with radical improvements in performance, reliability, security, manageability and ease-of-use.
If you are an operator, service provider or ISV with a stake in data services contracting, and you are interested in becoming a WITSMLstream Solutions Partner, please request a Teams Meeting.
Our Community Software
PDS has always recognised the need for co-opetition amongst software manufacturers to make the WITSML marketplace viable. In 2016, PDS delivered the world's first Energistics-certified WITSML Server with an Open Source core and permissive licensing.
Over the past eight years, our Open Source WITSMLstudio technologies: Store, Desktop browser, and ETP Dev-kits have been used by hundreds of drilling engineers, software developers and support specialists around the world.
We will shortly be launching our next generation of community-focused initiatives, with the release of WITSMLstudio Store Community Edition ("Store CE" for short). Store CE will be a fully compliant WITSML 2.1/ETP 1.2 Server, available as an installable run-time package, and licensed on a cost-free ($0), perpetual basis for unlimited internal usage of the licensee. We will distribute Store CE binaries and related Open Source utilities via the Azure and AWS Marketplaces, and via the WITSMLstream Community Portal.
WITSMLstudio Open Source technologies can be used out-of-the-box to build client-side and server-side WITSML / ETP solutions in a lab environment, on the rig, or in the cloud to gather and store drilling data while enabling data exchange workflows between applications that communicate via WITSML or ETP.
WITSMLstudio Desktop is a desktop application which enables users to query any compliant WITSML 1.4.1 or 1.3.1 server while also providing connectivity to any ETP server or data producer supporting version 1.1 of the ETP Specification.
WITSMLstudio Open Source Resources and Community Products are being migrated to the WITSMLstream Community Portal, a hosted, secure collaboration platform enabling developers and other field data engineers to publish and share community-focused open source software, utilities, services and tools.
We are pleased to announce the imminent release of our next generation WITSMLstream Browser product which will be made available free of charge to the WITSML Community via the WITSMLstream Community Portal.
WITSMLstream Browser is a lightweight, browser-based WITSML client, offering:
- full support for WITSML,, 2.0 and 2.1
- connection over SOAP and ETP 1.1 & 1.2
- seamless integration with WITSMLstudio product lines
- connection with the WITSMLstream Platform provides
- cross device query history and connection profile sharing
- access to WITSMLstream add-ins for e.g. advanced visualization or natural language WITSML query generation.